Woman hands clip board to man with another woman in background.

Why Consider Collaborative Divorce?

When divorce comes to mind, most people think of a process riddled with arguments or tension. However, this is not necessarily the truth when it comes to ending a marriage. In fact, research shows that the majority of divorces, 95% to be exact, end without ever going to court in the first place. So, what do people do to avoid ending up in divorce court? Well, some utilize an alternative approach, such as collaborative divorce.

The team at Myres & Associates can help explain the benefits of going through a collaborative divorce over traditional litigation.

Collaborative Divorces Explained

When parties prefer to work together with their lawyers, collaborative divorce is an excellent tool. This process refers to each spouse and their attorney signing a “no court” agreement. After this, you will have meetings to discuss your goals and desired outcomes. Then you can also meet with your spouse and their attorney to address issues and eventually negotiate the terms of the divorce. It may be necessary to have third-party individuals, like a financial advisor or child behavioral specialist, involved in order to reach the best agreement for the whole family.

The Benefits of Collaboration

Now that collaborative divorce is explained, we can consider the benefits of this process. Keep in mind that collaboration may not work for everyone, but when possible it can make a positive difference in your divorce case.

  • You spend less money on court fees and contested appearances

  • You save time by not going to court during your divorce

  • You can negotiate your divorce in an informal, comfortable setting

  • You can work to find a positive resolution that works for all parties involved

  • You have more privacy and personal information can stay out of public record

  • You gain positive skills, such as problem-solving and open communication

  • You can provide a more calm divorce process for your children and family

  • You will experience less stress and anxiety about your divorce overall when compared to traditional litigation processes

Finding An Attorney That Works For You

While it is easy to see that there are many benefits to collaborative divorce, it may not work for your case. You have to visit with your attorney to determine if collaborative divorce is a feasible option for you, as there are reasons that it may not be suitable for your unique situation. The team at Myres & Associates understands the effectiveness of collaborative divorce and is ready to help you negotiate and reach an outcome that works for you.


To speak with one of our attorneys, call (713) 322-9810 to schedule a consultation today!
